Jisha Elizabeth
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Cities
- Pollution
- Health
- Oceans
- Policy
- Energy
- Forests
- Natural Disasters
- Wildlife Trafficking
Jisha Elizabeth is an Indian (Malayali) environment /development/ investigative journalist.
As a journalist since 2007, she has spent most of her career with Madhyamam as a senior sub-editor. She transitioned her career to independent journalism in November 2023 in order to lead a more fulfilling work-life balance. She is also a vlogger, Media Trainer, Teacher, Traveler, Photographer, Right To Information activist and podcaster.
She writes about various subjects—from the environment to corporate corruption, women and children to coastal refugees, global trafficking, cyber frauds, health and education to climate change.
She has received several awards, including:
- Kerala government’s Dr. Ambedkar Media Award in 2009
- Leela Menon Woman Journalist Award from the Ernakulam Press Club
- National Foundation for India fellowship in 2012
- Kerala Media Academy Fellowship
- Green reporter award of Kerala State Biodiversity Board
- Swami Vivekananda Youth Award of Kerala State Youth Welfare Board
- India Press Club of North America’s Budding Journalist Award
- Earth Journalism Network's Asia- pacific Media fellowship
- Journalism Centre on Global Trafficking fellowship
- Earth Journalism Network's Story Grant to Report on Renewable Energy in India
Jisha Elizabeth
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Cities
- Pollution
- Health
- Oceans
- Policy
- Energy
- Forests
- Natural Disasters
- Wildlife Trafficking
Jisha Elizabeth is an Indian (Malayali) environment /development/ investigative journalist.
As a journalist since 2007, she has spent most of her career with Madhyamam as a senior sub-editor. She transitioned her career to independent journalism in November 2023 in order to lead a more fulfilling work-life balance. She is also a vlogger, Media Trainer, Teacher, Traveler, Photographer, Right To Information activist and podcaster.
She writes about various subjects—from the environment to corporate corruption, women and children to coastal refugees, global trafficking, cyber frauds, health and education to climate change.
She has received several awards, including:
- Kerala government’s Dr. Ambedkar Media Award in 2009
- Leela Menon Woman Journalist Award from the Ernakulam Press Club
- National Foundation for India fellowship in 2012
- Kerala Media Academy Fellowship
- Green reporter award of Kerala State Biodiversity Board
- Swami Vivekananda Youth Award of Kerala State Youth Welfare Board
- India Press Club of North America’s Budding Journalist Award
- Earth Journalism Network's Asia- pacific Media fellowship
- Journalism Centre on Global Trafficking fellowship
- Earth Journalism Network's Story Grant to Report on Renewable Energy in India