Procopio Resabal Jr.
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Pollution
- Oceans
- Forests
- Natural Disasters
Procopio Resabal Jr. is a cultural and communication development planning specialist, visual artist and feature stories writer. He taught at the UP-Baguio Social Science Department (1983-86) and became northern Luzon writer/correspondent for Malaya newspaper in the late 1980s. He co-founded a media agency devoted to indigenous peoples rights, development issues, and environmental concerns in the Cordillera and Ilocos regions.
Recently, he just completed the documentation of the three sets of Daygon sa Pasko, a traditional mobile community theater during Christmas in Bohol, as practiced in Maribojoc town, with the Literary Arts Committee of BACH.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies and Bachelor of Science in Education degrees from De La Salle University and did graduate studies at the Asian Center, University of the Philippines.
Procopio Resabal Jr.
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Pollution
- Oceans
- Forests
- Natural Disasters
Procopio Resabal Jr. is a cultural and communication development planning specialist, visual artist and feature stories writer. He taught at the UP-Baguio Social Science Department (1983-86) and became northern Luzon writer/correspondent for Malaya newspaper in the late 1980s. He co-founded a media agency devoted to indigenous peoples rights, development issues, and environmental concerns in the Cordillera and Ilocos regions.
Recently, he just completed the documentation of the three sets of Daygon sa Pasko, a traditional mobile community theater during Christmas in Bohol, as practiced in Maribojoc town, with the Literary Arts Committee of BACH.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies and Bachelor of Science in Education degrees from De La Salle University and did graduate studies at the Asian Center, University of the Philippines.