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EJDC: Earth Journalism Data Compilation

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Welcome to the Earth Journalism Data Compilation (EJDC), a project of Internews' Earth Journalism Network. This is a resource intended for journalists interested in data related to the environment. Here is the direct link to EJDC.

In recognition of data resources playing a bigger part in the types of stories that environmental journalists do, EJN has designed EJDC as an open resource for journalists looking for reliable data. Some of these resources in EJDC are well-known and yield news stories on a daily basis, such as the IUCN's Red List, but most may be useful to journalists and yet haven't been substantially featured in reporting. Opportunity knocks!

For further examples on how data is being used by journalists to tell compelling environmental stories, please check out EJN's "Mekong in Deep Water" special project (scroll down to the bottom to see the data bank).

As an open resource, EJDC is always evolving, so please feel free to contribute and provide feedback.

Instructions on how to navigate the spreadsheet are listed under "Where to Go Next."

Want to collaborate?

1. Please ensure that the resource you wish to add is not already listed in this spreadsheet.

2. Open the following Microsoft Form and provide requested information on the candidate resource:

3. Your submission will be reviewed by our team prior to its inclusion.

4. If you wish to suggest a new theme within the purview of "environmental journalism" not currently listed, please email [email protected] with the theme's name as well as justification for its inclusion.


While EJN endeavors to keep these resources in this spreadsheet updated, we do not claim to be able to keep them current in real time. Please contact us if you notice a dead or errant link.

Similarly, EJN does not endorse nor can it vouch for any of the information contained in hyperlinked resources. Please contact the data resource author or organization if you have any specific questions about material.

Good luck!