Resort in Philippines’ Protected Chocolate Hills Sparks Uproar, Probes
Keith Anthony S. Fabro
In Brazil, Digging for Gold in the Dirt and Prospecting for Internet in the Sky
Juliana Faddul
Rodrigo Martins Pedroso
Our Mekong, Our Say: Must the Environment Be Sacrificed for Infrastructure Development?
29 Aug, 2023
Is Manila Bay Losing Its Marine Life Due to Land Reclamation?
Kenneth Roland A. Guda
The Environmental Impact of Amazon's Development in Cape Town, South Africa — Part One
Halted Development Project Causes Problems in Fiji's Malolo Island
Ivamere Nataro
No Emergency Healthcare for Delta Island Communities in the Sundarbans
Dola Mitra
Indigenous Group Faces Eviction for ‘New Bali’ Tourism Project in Sumatra
Tonggo Simangunsong
Growing Demand for Sand Endangers the Bengawan Solo River and Local Communities in East Java, Indonesia
Parto Sasmito
State violence suppresses opposition to Chinese coal plant in Bangladesh
Shamsuddin Illius
Cambodia's palm sugar farmers face labor shortages, development issues
Bali's Kuta Beach faces 'grave' erosion
Hanggar Prasetio
Science be damned: Vietnam’s rush to help its largest conglomerate build a tourist city
Le Quynh
China-Nepal Railway: Fantasy or Reality?
Ramesh Bhushal
Pakistan’s pangolins fall victim to Chinese demand, misinformation
Shahid Shah
Bangladesh bound to China by growing energy and infrastructure needs
Stronger efforts needed to preserve the pangolin in South Asia
Joydeep Gupta
Ramesh Bhushal
Rice over rights? Controversy over Chinese-backed dam in Myanmar heats up
Overdevelopment, sea level rise near Odisha’s main tourist hub threaten water supplies
Priya Ranjan Sahu
Photo story: The China-built railway cutting through Laos
Riding the Durian Belt and Road: Risky Times for Thai Agriculture
Chairat Thomya
Local fears grow over Chinese projects in Sri Lanka
Amantha Perera
Rough waters: A planned trade route is threatening one of Europe’s last wild rivers
Tom Allan
Commercial logging threatens panda survival
Mainstream development best for rising India
India’s ignored drylands could be key to climate-resilient agriculture
IPCC's Thomas Stocker: "I am optimistic, but realistic" about COP21
Pakistan's Chitral Valley pioneers community hydropower initiatives
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